Marketing a lawn care or landscaping business used to be pretty straight forward. You would start out by passing around landscape flyers or lawn mowing door hangers. The return (phone calls) would be low, but enough to get a couple of customers and get the ball rolling. Once your income … Continue reading
Category Archives: landscape-business
Landscaping Business Marketing Has Changed
In the landscaping business, it appears the game has changed again. I hadn’t been a big believer in the value of the local Google Business listings in terms of getting landscaping customers.
Lawn Care Marketing Tips
Lawn care marketing tips: Everywhere you look you hear about “lawn care marketing tips.” Flyers, cold calling, yada – yada…
Landscaper Marketing – Don’t Get Ripped Off!
Lets face it, marketing schemes abound on the internet.
Landscaping Website Template for a Lawn Care Website?
Looking for a landscaping website template to market your lawn care business? They are easy enough to find, and some are very attractive. But, attractive to whom?
Lawn Care Business – Getting More Lawn Care Customers
I saw a lawn business truck going down the road today. Some hard working guys in the cab of an old Toyota PU square body. You could tell they were trying to keep up appearances. The lawn mowing truck was about as clean as they could manage. Yet, these guys … Continue reading
Lawn Service + Lawn Mowing Flyers = Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me!
I took that trash out to the end of the driveway this morning. On my way I saw a piece of paper inside of a baggie with a rock in it. I had to laugh because I knew what it was, but it made me kinda sad at the same … Continue reading